What Happens When A Jag I-Pace Drag Races A Tesla Model X 100D And P100D?

The Jaguar I-Pace impressed at its press launch, but how does it fare against its Tesla rivals in a good old-fashioned drag race?
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When we first drove the Jaguar I-Pace a few weeks ago, we were rather impressed. In fact, we wondered why you’d buy a Model X instead, given that the Tesla is more expensive, not as well built, arguably less attractive and not backed up by a long-established dealer network.

But what we have here is not an in-depth comparison. It’s not a look at practicalities and shut-lines. Nope, it’s a good old-fashioned drag race.

In it, the I-Pace is pitched against two versions of the Model X: the 100D, and the P100D. On paper the P100D has the Jaguar completely outgunned, so the race we’re really here to see is against 100D, which is only slightly more powerful than the British EV.

Let battle commence!

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Robin Verlaan

They turn into a long wheelbase Jimmy?

06/23/2018 - 08:21 |
47 | 1

I thought I was the only one calling it Jimmy and not Jimny

06/23/2018 - 08:31 |
14 | 0

I thought i was the only one

06/23/2018 - 08:32 |
3 | 0
06/23/2018 - 09:22 |
11 | 2

Is it just me or I can hear Jeremy Clarkson say
“This would be the quietest drag race………… in the world”

06/23/2018 - 08:49 |
15 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Nope, not alone, and don’t forget the line “that thing just f*s off”

06/23/2018 - 17:14 |
1 | 0


06/23/2018 - 08:58 |
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Gabriel 7


06/23/2018 - 09:36 |
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06/23/2018 - 10:50 |
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H5SKB4RU (Returned to CT)

I honestly find watching paint dry more exciting.

06/23/2018 - 09:42 |
16 | 1

In reply to by H5SKB4RU (Retu…

I’d rather watch the Gran Turismo 5 intro play in front of my very eyes. Not that it’s boring,just giving alternate suggestions

06/23/2018 - 09:49 |
8 | 0

It’s too close to say who won the brake test. It could’ve just been that one of them hit the brakes earlier or later than the other.

06/23/2018 - 10:33 |
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Azure is Blue

I think that drag races are irrelevant when you want to expand the use of electric cars.

06/23/2018 - 14:31 |
1 | 0

And then they had to recharge afterwards

06/25/2018 - 11:28 |
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