France Wants To Ban The Sale Of All Petrol And Diesel Cars By 2040

The French government intends to outlaw the sale of new petrol and diesels in 23 year's time
France Wants To Ban The Sale Of All Petrol And Diesel Cars By 2040

If you buy a new car in France in 23 year’s time, it’s highly likely you won’t have the option of anything with an internal combustion engine. Why? Because the French government announced on Thursday that it’s to ban the sale of all petrol and diesel cars by 2040.

The move is part of the country’s wide ranging plans to help meet targets set out by the Paris climate accord. In addition to the 2040 ban, owners of diesel cars made before 1997 and petrols build before 2001 will soon be offered financial incentives to scrap their cars.

The French government will provide financial support to private companies to help meet its aims, and has also announced its intention to stop using coal-fired power stations by 2022.

France Wants To Ban The Sale Of All Petrol And Diesel Cars By 2040

The declaration came a day after [Volvo said(] that by 2019 all of its new cars will be hybrid or electric, and follows similar calls from Norway and the Netherlands to have new petrol and diesel cars taken off sale by 2025. Last year there were also suggestions from senior German politicians for a 2030 ban in the country.

Our own UK government meanwhile pledged to ban petrol and diesel cars entirely by 2050 in the 2017 Conservative Party election manifesto, with exceptions expected to be made for classic cars.

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Tomislav Celić

And I want a Focus RS
However there is a big diffrence between wanting and getting something

07/07/2017 - 08:33 |
47 | 3

Watch and learn buddy…

07/07/2017 - 09:16 |
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The difference is money. France has money, you don’t.

07/07/2017 - 11:35 |
13 | 2

if you want a focos i can create a solar kit which generation you want

07/07/2017 - 12:21 |
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Remember that the definition of “classic” will be very different in 2050. All our favourite Japanese cars will be classics in the same way that a 60s muscle car is a classic today. And today’s hypercars will be treated like Countachs.

07/07/2017 - 08:33 |
30 | 1


07/07/2017 - 08:35 |
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From what I can see the 2050 pledge (which was made in the 2017 Conservative GE manifesto) is fairly vague, so it’s hard to tell exactly how it’ll be implemented yet. But yes, you’re right: by then something like an E92 BMW M3 would be classic material!

07/07/2017 - 08:41 |
16 | 0

Hmmm… A Smart Roadster would also be treated as a classic right?

07/07/2017 - 09:24 |
4 | 0

Oh I highly doubt it. As pop artists became forgettable in the 90s cars became forgettable in the naughties. It’s the oddities that will survive the test of time not the mainstream.

07/07/2017 - 09:48 |
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My favourite Japanese car is already a classic

07/07/2017 - 13:34 |
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07/07/2017 - 08:35 |
7 | 0

Don’t worry France, put a Disklok on your car so the government can’t take it away.

07/07/2017 - 08:37 |
135 | 1

Some sound advice right there. I hope Disklok sales skyrocket in France

07/07/2017 - 13:25 |
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What if they flatbed it lol

07/08/2017 - 02:58 |
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The French are an optimistic lot, aren’t they?

07/07/2017 - 08:39 |
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Literally every politician is very optimistic, which can be a good thing, but in most cases isn’t.

Not everyone can afford a new car, especially not an EV.

07/07/2017 - 09:06 |
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Freddie Skeates

Why can’t they do something about aviation? It’s far more polluting and no one’s picky about what fuel it runs on. And electric turbines are a thing (Jaguar CX-75 concept)

07/07/2017 - 08:58 |
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Jets run on kerosene, but don’t take away the super high octane aviation fuel, it makes for cheap race fuel

07/07/2017 - 13:24 |
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or ships. in international waters they look like diesel trucks running coal. Burning the lowest grade fuel possible, only in national waters they burn actual diesel.

07/08/2017 - 13:09 |
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A Toyota Yaris YRS Sedan 1.5L 4 Cylinder VVTi 4spd Automatic

Lol, the French and British are removing coal power stations and mines, where as here in good ole straya we are still creating new coal power stations and mines😂

07/07/2017 - 09:12 |
5 | 0

😂😂😂 Someone has to burn all the coal😂😂😂

07/07/2017 - 09:25 |
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The funny thing is that France doesn’t even have coal power station, I don’t know where they found such information.
Anyway, you’d better have some god damn strong winds to power a whole national fleet of vehicles without CO2 powered electricity. I mean, even solar panels need shitload of energy to be built.

07/07/2017 - 11:42 |
2 | 0

I live in Boganville and there’s not a single charging station to be found, no E85, you have to travel for 98 RON, yeah, that same initiative wouldn’t work here, and being a bogan, any car newer than 20 years is seen as brand new

07/07/2017 - 13:20 |
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JenstheGTIfreak (pizza)

Hard to realise tho, france will need to immiediatly start placing more charging points then so not all cars will just be stationary on the roads because they got such a small range. Not mentioning charging times

07/07/2017 - 09:14 |
3 | 0

It would be a lot better if there’s a system where you drive over a pit, a few bolts are taken out, battery swapped, screwed into place and you’re on your way within a few mins. It’s the only way a battery powered car can be as convenient as an internal combustion engine……………………or go back to steam

07/07/2017 - 13:17 |
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If they manage to pull this off, then GG. I personally do very much think that electric cars are the future, in 2040 we will have many great electric cars in all price categories and of course a ban of petrol and diesel cars in some countries will significantly accelerate development. I love the combustion engine. But it’s something that we have to leave behind.

07/07/2017 - 09:22 |
2 | 2

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

The purchase of used petrol or diesel powered cars built before the date when the ban comes into effect should NEVER be illegal though. That’s just stupid.

07/07/2017 - 09:26 |
5 | 0

I don’t understand how a whole government don’t know that during the production of the batteries for an electric vehicle, 150 to 200 kilograms of CO2 will be permitted to the atmosphere. If you drive an average gasoline powered car it takes over 8 years to emit that much CO2!
Further more you have to replace the batteries of an electric car every 100.000 km or so. Which means you can only cross the “8-year-border” if you drive less than 100.000 km in 8 years.
Electric cars just aren’t ready for big production numbers yet.
Once they are, I would buy one too…

07/07/2017 - 09:24 |
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Aaron Dawson

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I think there is a miscalculation there. An efficient car emits about 100g/km, so it takes 2.000km to reject 200kg of CO2. Maybe your numbers takes in consideration the fact that the production of electricity also rejects CO2. But I agree that electric cars are not as “green” as they seem to be

07/07/2017 - 12:04 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

You did read the article tho, didn’t you ? EVs have 26 whole years to further develop until then, which is a huuuuge amount of time considering the progress that’s already being made

07/07/2017 - 21:09 |
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