This Compulsive Stunt Driver Definitely Fails The Grand Tour's Driver Auditions
As we expected when the first video came out last week, The Grand Tour’s ‘driver wanted’ audition joke is an ongoing thing. There’s new fat to chew.
This time the recovering Hammond has brought along a mystery stunt driver. He’s unknown, skilled and fearless, the Hamster argues, making him perfect for the job. Cue the audition at the Eboladrome, where our mystery driver takes off in a red Renault Sport Clio 197.

Of course, anyone who’s seen enough cars get crashed and/or blown up in British TV knows that budgets generally don’t permit the wrecking of expensive ones. Even with Amazon’s blank cheque. As such, alarm bells are ringing over the old Clio.
Sure enough, the stunt man doesn’t take too long to revert to what he knows best, driving up and over a conveniently placed car transporter before flopping kind of anti-climatically into a mock portable office building that’s no doubt filled with cardboard. Worthy of a giggle, at the very least. The search for a new driver continues!
Does that mean he’s not coming on then?
Well, he’s crashed into a cabin with great force, the steering wheel column has collapsed which crushed his chest against the seat and has suffocated him to death. So, no. He’s not coming on.
I knew someone was going to say that.
Welcome home!!
Seeing that Clio 197 fly into that office has resulted in me feeling some pretty bad pain in my body.
I’d love to have one, and they’ve wrecked it! They shoud do that to a prius or a tesla.
Stunt jump failed
I’m wondering who James will offer as a candidate…
“So, here’s Nancy, she’s 73 and has an absolutely clean licence. She has never broken any speed limits and drives a beige Fiat Multipla. Unlike the stunt driver, she will never crash and thus will be the fastest”
She is planning go buy a panda
The comment section of this post is brutal
So you’re saying there’s still a chance for Alex Kersten?
I would rate him 10/10. Would live to see this on TGT
This guy should replace The American.