5 Lessons Learned After driving a 1977 Beetle for more than a Year. #Volkswagen
1) You do not need much horsepower to have fun.

1) You do not need much horsepower to have fun.
These days there are motorbikes that put out more horsepower to the wheel than my car, but each day I get behind the wheel it feels like a whole different experience. Also going at a decent speed such as 80 kph seems like a boring and lethargic motion in any new car but in the bug it is quite the experience.
2) Old car technology is Old , never forget that but learn to respect that
A month ago I was cruising about at a reasonable
pace when the car in front decided to emergency brake. He stopped quickly due to ABS and disc Brakes, I on the other hand ,didn’t have all that technology. So long story short I crashed into him and had to fix my entire front end. It takes time to understand that most road users don’t know how old cars work and generally assume they can perform like modern cars.
3) Its not cute or characterful when your car keeps breaking down.
The first few times it gives problems its nice to post on social media how you are true car guy that you cant go out this weekend because you are at the garage getting a new starter motor or decarbonizing your carburetor. But after a bit that novelty wears off. You hesitate to go on long journeys due to the fear of it breaking down.
4) You friends will never understand why you love this piece of potential scrap metal so much.
They see you complain on and off about the car breaking down. About the fact that you have to take longer routes due to the fact that it cant corner so well, the fact it doesnt have AC. Friends and family keep telling to you sell it and buy a new car with that money.
5) At the end of the day she’s got a good heart and that is all that matters.
This car has been through so much with me, my moments of failure , my moments of success , times I was happy , times I was depressed. She was the only constant in an ever changing world, Because I was very sure that the second I started the engine and blipped the throttle there would be a wide grin on my face , and that in essence all what being a petrol head really is.
Love me a beetle
I agree with the first point so much, it’s so underrated nowadays. People only want more and more power but that’s not only what a car makes great.
Anyways nice post and nice car, I’m not a VW guy but beetles are cool :)
I went on a road trip driving my BMW E21 against new Golf GTIs, Mustangs, Camaros, M235is and a bunch of way faster cars… but I can say that I had way more fun and that a 35 years old car can turn more heads than anything else on that trip going 180km/h (top speed for me but kinda sh*t on a brand new Camaro)
Third point is so true LOL
Is she gone? Why?
Na bro , never selling her. But thinking of buying another project car to also use as a daily.
Volks67 (Beetle Squad) BugMike (o !/ o) #Beetlesquad #Bugsoverdrugs TheCarGuy (Yugo Man) (Beetle Boy)
This, my friend, is true love! :D
Great article, makes me want one even more! :)
By the way, those rims look awesome!
What are they?
I have no idea. Had them on when I got them. Didn’t like them at first but now they’ve grown on me.
I have no idea. Had them on when I got them. Didn’t like them at first but now they’ve grown on me.
Alex Kersten
Matt Robinson
Matt Kimberley
Jake Orr
Editor’s pick, maybe? :D
Thanks for what you did bro. Really Appreciate it.
Classics are the best that’s why I drive one too👍
love this! In the process of restoring a 1971.. perhaps consider a disc brake conversion for the front.. it will help a lot with the braking.
Fully agreed, one of my best experiences has been driving my uncle’s ‘78 Beetle, we took it through inspection and that in itself was an adventure, then I drove it around town. It was really awesome and very relaxing to drive such a raw yet slow machine, all your movements are very deliberate and you find yourself incapable of actually being in a hurry.