Is it bad to rev your engine?

Because everybody usually shift like in 2-3k. Sometimes I rev my engine just a little bit more, but last night my friend gave me ride in his Civic and he was revving his engine like crazy. Over 5 or even 6k rpm and he told me he is doing it on every day basis. So my question is. Is revving bad for your engine?

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Its more harmful for your engine if you Do it on a regular base, but if your engine is properly warmed up then you can rev it from time ti time ;). correct me if im wrong pls^^

01/23/2016 - 11:42 |
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As long as your engine is at operating temperature (and maintained properly), it shouldn’t be a problem.

01/23/2016 - 11:45 |
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Maintaining high revs for unneccisary periods of time will cause damage, and will force the engine to burn oil. But no major wear and tear should appear as long as the reving was done at operating temperatures.

01/23/2016 - 11:49 |
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Thanks for explaining

01/23/2016 - 12:21 |
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Juha Arkkukangas

Well in long-term it will wear out the engine sooner. But if it’s at correct temperature, revving would be absolutely fine. But if he does it regularly, he’ll be facing a rebuild a lot sooner

01/23/2016 - 11:52 |
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Brian Collingwood

All I know is that if you just sit there with the clutch in reving it you can stretch the connecting rods, because the motor isn’t under a load

01/23/2016 - 12:41 |
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Yh, but he was driving it. No reving with the clutch in

01/23/2016 - 13:18 |
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Every passage of the cylinder gives friction, and friction causes damage. The higher the revs, the more it passes through, the more damage it causes

01/23/2016 - 13:04 |
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Isaac Amohia

Maintaining higher RPMs before the car is at the correct operating temperature will put more strain on the engine, and will damage the engine over time. Everyone else is basically saying the same thing I just wanted to be right and share what I know :D

01/23/2016 - 14:40 |
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slevo beavo

If the oil was up to temperature then its absolutely fine. The whole point of a rev limiter is to stop the car over revving and causing damage. But bare in mind oil takes alot longerto warm up that coolant.

Oil is used as a lubricant to stop metal on metal contact. Weather its 2k or 6kk aslong as the oil is in its operating range no damage will be done.

01/23/2016 - 14:59 |
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Engines are built to do so

01/23/2016 - 18:13 |
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