Idiot Tries To Overtake One Car Too Many And Causes A Four-Car Smash

A reckless driver in North Carolina continued an overtaking manoeuvre into oncoming traffic, causing a four-car pile-up before simply driving away as if nothing happened

When you’re overtaking, it’s best to leave a sizeable margin for error. That’s exactly what this lunatic in North Carolina didn’t do when overtaking multiple cars in one go.

As the road bends to the left ahead of him he carries on the manoeuvre regardless instead of pulling into the safe gap available. There’s oncoming traffic and the first car has to slam its brakes on.

Idiot Tries To Overtake One Car Too Many And Causes A Four-Car Smash

The car behind that appears not to see what’s going on, slams into the back of the first car and then ploughs forwards, spinning the first car around and carrying on through, as if the driver is either unconscious or has forgotten what the brake pedal does. Two other cars are involved, too, as the driver who caused it simply carries on his way.

We’ve no doubt that when the police find the culprit they won’t be gentle.


The Prius Tumor

Jeremy Clarkson would have this man shot in front of his family.

11/15/2016 - 17:57 |
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CaptainChicken (Markus Leo) #DemonSquad #ClassicGMSquad

Yup, thats the NC i know. I bet that was in Charlotte or Salisbury.

11/15/2016 - 19:02 |
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The person in the black Lincoln Town Car need to be given the Zero F*s award for outstanding deuche baggery.

11/15/2016 - 20:35 |
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Kyle Ashdown

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Kia Amanti*

11/15/2016 - 21:27 |
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The reckless driver must be beaten to death with rocks!
But what if the first car just slowed down and not panic?
It would have been easier to avoid a head on collision by slowing down and steering right, in this case in a field, not from the edge of a cliff.
It actually stoped(and got rear ended) after the manic was back in his lane, so the crash could have been avoided.
Driving school isn’t enough for the hazards on the roads!
So don’t overtake like a suicidal turd, try not to panic and slam the brakes, don’t tailgate and try to look ahead down the road, especially on twisty roads.

11/15/2016 - 20:43 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

from what i can see nobody tailgated. the car clearly had to brake to avoid a head on. think the driver in front knew the exact distance the guy behind him needed to brake too? steering your car into a field is the dumbest reaction you could have. in most situations like these nothing happens. while many roads have deep ditches at the side and if you crash down into those you might total your car and get injured or die.. What else should you do but slam the brakes? .. only other thing needed is honking manically to alert the others.. idk if anyone did this.

11/16/2016 - 15:21 |
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“oh may gash. dis guy cas accidant”

11/15/2016 - 20:59 |
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Kyle Ashdown

This is why you don’t use a potato for a dash cam. Could have got that jerk’s licence plate.

Also, why all the tailgating on a quiet country road?

11/15/2016 - 21:26 |
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Video gets compressed when you upload it to the internet.

11/16/2016 - 06:38 |
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Potato cam!

11/16/2016 - 12:11 |
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I think because of the perspective it looks like the car behind was closer than it really was. not much tailgating but clearly didnt pay 100% attention to the road.. which is normal when driving on a quiet wide road like that one.

11/16/2016 - 15:22 |
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The S2K Guy

Dirty Overtake 20+

11/15/2016 - 21:42 |
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Also helps when it’s a passing zone…idiot.

11/15/2016 - 23:09 |
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I live in NC…Doesn’t surprise me

11/16/2016 - 02:03 |
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I was basing it off of it’s speed compared to the car overtaking not the camera car, but I could still be wrong

11/16/2016 - 02:22 |
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