How We're All Feeling About Top Gear's Resurrection This Sunday
'New' Top Gear is back this Sunday evening, and while diehard detractors remain pessimistic, true petrolheads like us are starting to get hyped! Here's what we're feeling right now...

Today's the day we've been waiting for

Friday = the start of a weekend playing with cars...

...and the first weekend of new Top Gear & Extra Gear

Let's take a moment for that to sink in

MOST of us can't wait to see the new format

While others refuse to give Top Gear a shot

To those people, we say...

Because, you know what? It'll probably be awesome

And if it's not, then at least you can say you gave it a chance

Either way, we'll be on CT to discuss EVERYTHING about the first episode!

Read our exclusive interview with Top Gear presenter Rory Reid.
i wasn’t up for it at all but i think I’m gonna give it a chance!
Waiting for torrent.. Ahh the perks of living in a third world country..
Also first. The rest op Europe doesn’t get the tv thing until 2 weeks after.
Is there any bbc online stream where you could probably watch it?
According to my sources, several (a group) of audience members walked out disappointed during the filming of show. The only draw for me would be Matt Leblanc & Sabine Schmitz..
Your “sources” lol. that report came through by “The Sun” which can barely be considered anything more than rumours. Seriously a facebook post would have more credibility than something out of the sun,
A certain bay of pirates will see an increased visitor count soon
Yarrrr ;)
primewire m8
I’m worried that they are going to make them act like Clarkson, Hammond, and May.
THAT is truly the biggest problem. Evans seems to try and copy Clarkson. Whichh is a pain. It is the only reason that I was not really looking forward to it
I am pretty sure Top Gear was scripted anyways so you do indeed have a point. I said you better get Vin Diesel, Brad Pitt and Jason Stratham. At least they are actually actors
+1 for Brooklyn 99 gif
I am going to sit in front of the tv with my arms crossed, a frown on my face and let’s see if they can make me crack a smile.
I’m going through this post and my reaction is like:
Oh please don’t give the “true petrolhead” speech. I am a petrolhead and I have no intention whatsoever on watching the new Top Gear and I am pretty sure it’s going to bomb.
A big budget programme with amazing cars and humour, and you’re not going to watch? OK then…
Why would it bomb? Just because Clarkson Hammond and May aren’t part of it doesn’t mean it’ll be dreadful. It won’t be the same, and it’ll certainly be disappointing if the new format just tries to copy the last one, but you’ll have GT to watch too for those three, which will be AWESOME, and with people like Chris Harris on TG, how can that be a bad thing?
Am looking forward to chris harris & rory reid