Here's What It Looks Like If You Set Off A Crap-Load Of Fireworks In A Van
With the van belonging to brilliantly bonkers YouTuber Colin Furze due to go to the scrapyard, he thought he'd give it a fitting send-off - by blowing it to hell with a load of fireworks!
Make sure find out what happened when we chatted to Furze about his crazy 70mph mobility scooter a couple of years ago.
Fire works! In a van! Get it?
Everything goes bang, and so does the van. Obvs…
Still, how much for those wheels?
“Hot item! Going fast!”
Slightly dented.
Only hauled fireworks once.
Why would anyone do this..
how i saw it while flying
Ewan23(TheScottishguy) that why thatranneeey broke m8
Oh mate Colin’s gonna get it he night
I was hoping to see this on ct
Happy Diwali from India!
That one jackass movie where bam margera set off fireworks in his dad’s car lmao