Here's Everything That's Weird And Awesome On A Pagani Huayra
Having been around since 2012, we’ve already seen plenty of the Pagani Huayra. It’s been the subject of countless road tests, many YouTube track thrashings, and we’ve even seen The Stig belt it around the Top Gear test track. In fact, it’s still the second-fastest road car to have ever lapped the show’s Dunsfold facility.
But what we haven’t seen is each and every one of the car’s quirky little features meticulously dissected by a vlogger for whom attention to detail is a way of life. A vlogger like Doug DeMuro.
As you’d expect, there’s a ridiculous amount of material for the man to work from here. In fact, he’s managed to extract a video with a 39 minute running time from all of the Huayra’s weird and wonderful details.

Highlights include 1400 titanium bolts which each have ‘Pagani’ etched on them, the Pagani oval running through the entire car as a theme (even the throttle pedal is thusly-shaped), a display that shows ‘engine hours’, and the best sequential shifter we’ve ever seen. Yes, it’s a little redundant given the presence of paddles on the steering wheel, but we know what we’d use if we owned one of these beasts.
What’s your favourite Huayra quirk?
You know a car is quirk-tastic when Doug makes the video nearly 40 minutes long. 😄
He needs to show all the. Q U I R C K S A N D F E A T U R E S
Look if the Key itself is gonna be that quirky, what do you expect?
Inb4 the quirks and features meme
My favourite car company. The BC is the best car on the planet no arguments needed
The sound has nothing on a zonda
Simply the coolest car in the world.
Feature-length Doug 😁
Other than bespoke luggage, the beautiful interior, the fact you have to open both door to open the back, and the titanium exhaust. I love the fact that almost every aluminum piece in the interior is milled from a block of billet aluminum. This is has been my dream car since 2012 just because it looks like a work of art.
Same here, as much as i like other supercars there is just something about the Pagani’s design that just looks cool, and like you said a work of art.
One of my all time favorite cars! If I was rich I’d buy one.
Fav car
Every time he says “why-ra” it makes me a little angrier.
It’s alumin-i-um. GOD I hate how Americans pronounce it
YES! I know they spell it aluminum, but they’re wrong
And what about how they say, “solder”?