5 cars that always appear on lists of cars.
1 - The Mazda Miata/MX-5

1 - The Mazda Miata/MX-5
Most commonly found in lists that feature the word ‘enthusiasts’ and ‘under $x000 dollars’ with good reason. They are inexpensive when it comes to picking up a nice clean low mileage example, they will run forever and there is a huge aftermarket for them.
Lazy automotive bloggers have hit an issue though with the Miata. If you don’t mention it in a list that should include it, all the comments will be complaining you didn’t mention the Miata. If you do drop it in the list, people will complain in the comments that it was too easy.
Lists are fun but seriously abused so I have zero sympathy…. and the sites make out anyway.

2 - The Pontiac Aztec
We get it. It’s ugly. It’s so ugly that if you’re lazy enough to make a list of ugly cars then it suffers Miata Syndrome. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. The good news is that lazy lists are SEO fodder, monetisation fodder and plenty of comments helps all of those no matter what they say.
The Pontiac Aztec was actually the first car I drove in the U.S, and it was fine. The owner, a good friend of mine, loved it. It was rugged as hell and gave him no problems at all. I actually wonder if in another 5 years or so it might become quite the hipster mode of transport given it’s excellent casting in Breaking Bad and how “ironic” it would be to choose to drive.

3 - The Foxbody Mustang
Oh yes, it’s great list fodder. You can pick it up for under x thousand dollars, it’s infinately tunable as a platform with an insanely large aftermarket to support that. It comes under the heading of “muscle car” and, well it’s a Ford Mustang. A marque that long enough history and popularity it’ll support very specific lists of its own.
Unfortunately, it’s not very good as a car unless you’re prepared to spend some cash and work on it or you like driving period cars. Both of which I can respect, but it’s one of those cars you already have to want already.
Which gives me an idea for another list.

4 - Honda Civic
Super reliable and cheap to maintain if you’re writing that kind of list, or infinitely tuneable with an aftermarket to match if not. It really is one of the most versatile cars on the lists - there are versions not available in the U.S so it slips nicely onto some JDM lists. It’s also popular amongst people with no taste as well so there’s always the ricer angle to take.
Everyone says they hate ricers, but you can’t not look and that’s the key to linkbaiting.

5 - Nissan GTR
This is the fanboy car to top the list of fanboy cars. From its prominence in the Fast And Furious franchise to its almost mythical reputation in Japanese drifting… to more recent times with Jeremy Clarkson injuring his neck from the G forces endured while cornering.
Only a fool would leave this off a list it could be shoehorned into.
Porsche 911?
Hmmm. Good point. More than Boxters?
Zach Kramp Szymek S schlawyaya Chadkake The F12 of Maranello
This has some truth to it, haha
S2000’s are also in a few lists ;) and Mazda 787b will be almost in every best race car/best sounding car list
I was toying with S2000 but it would be 7th.
Maybe I should have gone for 10, but… I made the point I think.
M3 E46?
Sooooo close to being number 5. So close.
wow……this is one of the most clever post to come on ct in a long time
awesome post mate :)
Thanks mate. :)
Subaru WRX fanboys, you should just do a whole fanboys section
Other cars like the BMW E30 or E36 are also mentioned with some frequency
So you put all the cars that feature in lists, snd put them in a list! 😄
I wonder who my weird stalker is. Takes a lot of effort to follow and down vote everything someone says.
Wait. I stopped wondering. I don’t care.