How do you break a power steering pump? Is it the cause of constant wheel lock over long periods of time? Do do you prevent this problem?
I notice that my car at full lock, you can hear a faint whining noise coming form the power steering, how long can I do this, is this bad?
In my manual it says not to leave it at full lock for more then 30sec
The noise at full lock will be the pump reaching max pressure and trying to releave it. Dont hold it there for ages or the pump will get damaged.
Pump could also be old or worn out
Most power steering pumps should not be held at full lock. Some are so bad that people add stoppers to prevent full lock.
People also don’t realize that the PS fluid is an oil and needs changing like any other oil, old or contaminated fluid will cause wear (and noise) in the pump.
If it sounds grumpy changing out the fluid is the first call.
In my car I don’t go full lock because I’ll rub but I’ve been told not to keep it at full lock anyway
It’s fine, you don’t need full lock in 98% of driving anyways. Stop hitting the lock stops and you’ll stop hearing the noise