How can you tell if a car has Carbon Ceramic Brakes?

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Jump in front of it when it’s driving and see whether or not you get hit, after a couple of times you’ll be able to tell.

03/29/2015 - 17:52 |
4 | 0
Aakash Sayal

In reply to by Edgar

Ok thanks will try! Great Idea!

03/29/2015 - 18:31 |
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Lewis Walsh

Most of the time the disc will have tiny lines that look like cracks all over it and sometimes look like it’s burnt. Also the caliper can be absolutely massive and in a bright colour. But the most obvious thing is will probably say “Carbon Ceramics” on the caliper!

03/29/2015 - 17:58 |
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Flávio Coimbra

Visually, it’s easy to see. The texture and the colour of the brake discs are very different than standard steel/aluminium discs. It’s sort of a matte gray instead of the usual flashy gray.

03/29/2015 - 22:44 |
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