Can an Opel be a V8 muscle car?-The Omega V8!
We all remember the last generation Omega – The so called Omega B. It was Opel´s biggest salon on the marked at the time, a car witch went against Audi A6, BMW 5-Serie and the Merc´ E-klasse. The biggest model they sold was the Omega MV6. A 3,0-liter V6 N/a engine with a RWD powertrain. (The 2001 model got a 3,2 V6!) It never really sold well like a BMW 528i or Audi A6 2,8 did- even through it was a lot cheaper than those too.
- In Australia through, the Omega went under the name Holden Commodore VT, and the Aussie went as far to put not one giant engine but whole three! The smallest was a 3,8 V6, then a big 5,0-liter V8 to the massive 5,7 V8 LS1. The same engine the C5 Corvette received in 1997.
If we jump a bit back, back to Genève motor show in 2000, Opel had an interesting Omega on their stand. A ready build Omega V8 with the same 5,7 V8 LS1 from its Australian cousin. The 5,7 LS1 produced 310 Bhp (28KW) and 440Nm. Opel was aiming straight at the big German boys, like the popular Audi A6 4,2 V8, the fun BMW 540i and the anonymous Merc´ E-430. As always, the Omega V8 was filled with luxury from bottom to the top, and not only that they even made one called Omega V8.COM. Omega was the same car, but this time you even had the opportunity for WIFI onboard! Remember this was in 2000.
Sadly, they never putted this crazy Opel Omega in production, but I can understand why. See, the Omega never really sold well here in Europe or in America for that matter, were it went under the name Cadillac Catera… So building a more expensive version of an already dying model would be very unrealistic! Through, they did make a racecar version for the Superstar V8 series.
-So what was the point of it anyway? Well, in 2004 America got a little thing called Pontiac GTO 5,7 V8! Guess what that car was based on!
Hope you liked my post, although my gramma an´t the best.. (From Denmark.)
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The 5,7 V8 was in production since 1997 to 2007, where it managed to find its way to over 20 cars!
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