Unsurprisingly, The Fate Of The Furious Has Broken A Bunch Of Box Office Records

It should come as no surprise that The Fate of the Furious has already taken a shockingly massive amount of money at the box office. As in, a record breaking amount. $532 million as of yesterday, to be precise.
The figure is just enough to pip Star Wars: The Force Awakens ($529 million) to the title of biggest worldwide box office opening.
It smashed the international opening record meanwhile, with a ludicrous (or is that Ludacris?) $432.3 million dwarfing the $316.7 million managed by Jurassic World, the previous holder. A huge chunk of the figure - $190 million - was from China alone, where F8 had the biggest three-day opening of any film ever screened in the country.
All told, the impressive debut for F8 has contributed to a $4.5 billion total gross for the franchise. Give it a few weeks, and that’ll no doubt be $5 billion. Good job, Dom and co…
Figures via Box Office Mojo
But these numbers will be way smaller if you subtract all the destroyed cars…
And used fuel
Where funding for the movir came from..
Am I the only one that don’t like Fast and Furious at all?
But you probably already watched it
Well i guess, blame that Rotten Tomatoes, or Movie Critism outhere who turned this Racing Movie series into “Action” Movie.
I loved the movie.
But will there be a Fast 9
The young O’Connor makes his street race debut? In fast 9? That would be cool!
And Fast 10…really?
vin diesel announced after the release of 7 that there will be at least 3 more.
And Car Guys hearts!
Along with the box office records, it broke some laws of Physics too, but who is counting!
Engineering explained, maybe..
It somehow made $5 billion even without dominic corvetto
Well i guess, blame that Rotten Tomatoes, or Movie Critism outhere who turned this Racing Movie series into “Action” Movie.
I’m still more hyped for cars 3 cuz tis is an action movie A C T I O N M O V I E