Shooting An R8 for Audi... But using a $40 Toy Car Instead.
Audi commissioned photographer Felix Hernandez Rodriguez to photograph their R8, so being a creative genius he shot the car for them by using a $40 scale model.

Audi commissioned photographer Felix Hernandez Rodriguez to photograph their R8, so being a creative genius he shot the car for them by using a $40 scale model.
Everything was done using props, modelling and actual camera effects. No doubt Photoshop was employed but it looks very minimal indeed.

You can find more pictures from behind the scenes here.
Matt Robinson Ten Tenths Podcast
When you have an R8
But your bank account is to small.
Audi commissioned it. He could have had an R8 I would assume.
If Audi really wants pics of the real cars, I know a guy. Just drop us an email at
You know someone with an R8…?
If Audi wants pics of the real cars, they should have enough of them thenselves!
Thank God they let us know
That is an Audi R8 GT, they were priced at $239,000, the first R8 GT was released in 2012 and production finished 2013 and given how recent this story seems to be i have a hunch that this has no actual connection to Audi and photo trickery is just this guy’s hobby or job because of how good the photos look
Audi commissioned him, then shared it on their media channels.
and it’s not even premium miniature, but Maisto…although, details on this one are really well done
you can actually see it’s a model by the gaps, I mean look at the size of the gap between the front bumper and the bonnet. he made it look like dodge built it.
“Minimal” Photoshop? The OP clearly has “minimal” experience of Photoshop. I see A LOT of Photoshop.
Being an ultra-nerd, in addition to a car-nerd, I do a lot of finescale modelling, dioramas, all that. So seeing practical effect model making, and cars, together in one awesome package like this: made my day you guys, many thanks