Learner Driver Passes Driving Test Despite Killing A Deer

I think we can all agree that the driving test is a pretty nerve-wracking experience. Even if you’re fully prepared, a pass isn’t guaranteed; even F1 superstar Jenson Button failed first time. Ultimately, anything can happen, so the most important thing is to stay calm, as demonstrated by learner driver Tom Lo when he took his test last week in rural Fingringhoe (stop sniggering at the back).
Half-way through his assessment a deer decided to test Tom’s emergency braking technique, jumping directly in front of his car. Travelling at 40mph, there was no time to avoid it, and he struck the deer head on, killing it instantly. Thankfully, Tom and his passenger got away without any injuries, and the car only suffered a cracked number plate.

Somewhat surprisingly, Tom’s driving instructor Robert Jezierski decided to carry on with the lesson regardless. Tom said:
“The driving examiner checked the car and then we went on with the exam. It was something I was not expecting so I was a bit shaken up, but luckily I wasn’t too shaken up to continue. I got this test as a cancellation, the next one was 15 June, so it was quite important to pass it before my exams.”
Thankfully running down wildlife isn’t considered to be an instant fail, so Tom passed with just two minors. This got us thinking; have any CTzens experienced equally eventful driving tests? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: Metro
Oh deer.
chirp chirp
The post was made a minute ago, and this comment was made an hour ago. #OhGodIlluminatiHasBeenConfirmedWeAreAllDoomedToBeRuledByASecretSocietyAtSomePointInTheNearFuture
Thug Bird new CEO of CT.
Once People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals hears about this, I don’t think it’s going to end well…
My driving test (The one that decides if u get license or not) We drove a few km’s and the check engine light popped up. It was a broken headlight code. So we checked the headlight and yup it looks broken. Then we drove back and i got full points. Most of the time we were just looking up the code on a parkinglot.
I’ve never heard of that code… Lol
Broken headlight code? I’ve never head of a CEL for a headlight, usually the high beam light comes on.
Uhh… My driving test literally consisted of a 1 mile drive. Through residential. No wonder why most people in Illinois can’t drive.
My test was ~1/4 mile… I parallel parked, turned right onto a main road, took the next right, made a 3-point turn, and I was done. (The lady who was testing me had to pee :) )
In New Mexico, I did the same thing. So drivers here are just as bad.
I sat my test in a rural area in the middle of the day when everyone was at work/school. I did not pass a single other car on the country roads in nearly 40 minutes of driving. Only in a couple of small villages did I actually see another person. It went pretty smoothly!
This was to get my driving permit not my official license but it was winter time and i was driving along and on the other side a bus was coming but I noticed that it’s roof still had what looked to be snow on the top but it wasn’t i soon found out it was ice when a large plate of it broke off and hit the front bumper of the car i was driving. It was pretty scary for considering I’ve only just started practicing driving at that time.
Ran 2 stop signs, counted as 4 points each. Passed with 8 points off
How the hell did you still pass???? That’s ridiculous
Running even one stop sign counts as instant fail in my country, lol.
You are supposed to hit animals rather than swerve round them (in the uk at least).
Wait, what?
If there is small animal and you can’t stop in time then just plow through ,but if there is like a BIG Bear that could weight 600+ kg I would take my chances swerving around it :D
Also kinda depends what you’re driving.
My driving instructor taught me that if you can’t see under it, kill it.
For my learners permit (pre-license) my driving instructor had me going 85mph on the highway in a 65, and for the last day (it was a 3 day thing) we stopped at Taco Bell and chilled for an hour before he passed me. (This was over a year and a half ago)