This Lambo Owner's First-World Problems Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Of all life's cruel twists of fate, surely owning a Lamborghini is the worst of all... Wait, what?!


Some people are never happy. After spending $130,000 on a second-hand Lamborghini Diablo, a car that most of us would happily marry if it meant we could ride in it for the rest of our days, a rather loaded American has taken the time to point out on video some of the things that are wrong with it - first world problems at their V12-powered finest.

Don’t prime your F-bombs just yet – the bloke is only having a laugh. And to be fair he has a point. When you saunter out to your supercar like you’re Tom Jones in MILF country, you damn well expect it to start first time. Fortunately, this millionaire has a Cadillac (obviously) on standby to give the stricken Lambo a jump; how the other half live...

Other problems our poor, unfortunate Diablo owner has to put up with are a loudly creaking driver’s door, a blown hydraulic door-lift assembly (apparently now fixed), and, err, that he has to actually shift gear himself.

But if the seat belts are mounted over the wrong shoulder for you, mate, team CT will happily take the car off you for a long-term test. Give us about five years with it...


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