How Much Faster Is The Tesla Model S P100D About To Get?

We’ve only just gotten used to the idea of a large, rather heavy electric saloon car dispatching 0-60mph in 2.5 seconds, but already, there’s talk of the monstrous Tesla Model S P100D getting even faster.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk sent out a Tweet recently, teasing that “there will be a P100D Ludicrous Easter egg soon that uncorks the full performance.” Wait, you mean 0-60 in 2.5 seconds is what the P100D does partially corked?
Forgot to mention there will be a P100D Ludicrous Easter egg soon that uncorks the full performance;— elonmusk
So, how much faster do you think the Model S is about to get? Since we’re talking about an over-the-air software update to make the most of the new 100kWh battery - rather than a hardware upgrade - we’re probably talking about a tenth or so rather than a hugely significant drop in the 0-60mph time.
Feel free to speculate below, and when the P100D’s newfound performance is revealed you can see how right or wrong you were…
So they will remove the cork they put in the exhaust pi… oh wait…
Well, I don’t want a car that needs to be uncorked!
Well I don’t want one that CAN’T be!
The Performance will be Unplugged…
I can see whiplash claims coming from traffic light Grand Prixs if they get any quicker!
I reckon 2.35 is as quick as the tires will allow?
I think it’s actually around 2.0-2.2, Engineering Explained did a video on it
P100D drivers be like…
0-60 = 2.4 seconds.
0-150= not going to happen
The Model S can get up to 155 mph. Unless this new update is putting to use a new gearbox, which is very unlikely
Next model p666d now with 6666 hp, 0-60 is 0.6seconds and the top speed is still 150 mph even though we have a stupid amount of power.
Whats next? 0-60 in 0.00001 secs?
He should focus on improving the safety and battery placement before thinking about going faster
This is one of the safest vehicles on the road… If you look at the number of fatal crashes in Teslas versus any other automotive brand, they are the lowest.
It will receive a higher top speed.
You heard it here first.