This 14-Year-Old Was Nearly Killed When He Played Chicken With A 40-Tonne Truck
We’ve all done stupid things as kids, and getting hurt is a good way for young people to learn. The 14-year-old in the video above certainly found out the hard way that playing ‘chicken’ with a massive truck is probably not a good idea.
Two boys run out in the road, with the first leaving a bit more time to cross. The second boy realises he’s not going to make it and attempts to outrun the heavily braking truck. The lorry was travelling at 54mph, below the 60mph limit but marginally above the 50mph limit imposed on trucks on single carriageways.
Sky News reports that the incident happened in Staffordshire, England, in October 2014, however the company that makes the dashcam has only just released the footage.
Police were called, but did not charge the driver. The boy was taken to hospital for treatment on minor injuries to his hands and knees.
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