10 Types Of Car That Scream "I'm A Douchebag"
If you looked at the 'cars' subreddit on the weekend, you'd have seen an interesting thread titled 'What car screams I'm a douchebag?' Here are the findings...

1. Honda Civic painted with primer + fart can

As suggested by Reddit user shhsfootballjock
2. Any car with the 'I 3 Haters' stickers

As suggested by Reddit user dusty_chowders
3. Cars that are driven by "vapers"

As suggested by Reddit user warren31
4. New cars that are stanced

As suggested by Reddit user WitBeer
5. Diesel trucks that roll coal

As suggested by Reddit user Mmer03
6. Any vehicle with the "Move Over --->" sticker

As suggested by Reddit user captaindigbob
7. Cars that are driven around with bricks of snow

As suggested by Reddit user BreakfastBurrito
8. "Any truck with truck nuts hanging under the bumper"

As suggested by Reddit user BigOldCar
9. "Any Hummer except for the original civilian models"

As suggested by Reddit user Bittoman
10. Any minivan driven by a man forced to buy it by his wife

As suggested by Reddit user Audi02s4
For hundreds more suggestion by Redditors, here’s the link to the original thread.
I 100% agree with the Hummer everyone other than Doug DeMuro apparently is a douchebag
He’s still a douchebag
I would add AMG G wagons. I have a feeling this may be an unpopular opinion on CT but every time I see one it’s either a d-bag or a rich middle aged lady with a plastic face.
Lol more like especially Doug DeMuro
My mom drives an H3 and she’s no douche. :c
Is having a “smiles per gallon” sticker on my z douchey??
I would say no. Not necessarily agressive in any way, nor does it attempt to grab too much negative attention.
how about bmw owners?
I agree with the coal rolling. And the nuts under the bumper too.
They’re under the bumper to compensate from where they aren’t.
Dam minivans, so many drive so aggresively, yet they drive at like 50 MPH on a highway.
While in the left lane -_-
If my wife makes me buy a minivan when I’m married, I’ll get revenge by doing a mad engine swap.
I drive a minivan :(
11: any Audi model.
God damn I hate Audi’s. Not the cars but the people who drive them. Don’t know what it is but it’s the truest stereotype out on the roads.
I’m a VW driver and I tailgate too lel
That’s just everyone in Toronto. Even if there is a line of 100 cars in front of you he/she thinks the closer they are to you the faster everyone will go.
Sooo true
This is gonna be the comment of the week 😉
The Cruze looks nice tbh, anyways it couldn’t get any worse than it comes from the factory
Exactly what I thought, that stance is almost perfect, not too low and not cambered
WOW so much power 138bhp
Have to disagree with the new cars being stanced mostly because I have not yet come across a new car stanced owner yet.
Saw a new Scion xB that was stanced, guy was also vaping and looked like a dbag, so I guess he fit multiple criteria. At least he didn’t ruin a car that’s fun to drive…
Look at all the new volkswagen gti’s almost all of them especially the ones owned by dudes in their 20’s are stanced.
I had a Nissan sentra come into work the other day slammed and had a ridiculous body kit with some crazy camber and on top of it it sounded like a lawnmower so sometimes people can be tasteful with it and sometimes not to much
My dad has a “vape” but he doesn’t show it off unless someone asks about it, does that mean he is a douche too?
I hope not. I use it, but don’t really talk about it and only use it where people would be able to smoke cigs. Originally to get off smoking cigs but now because my doctor recommended it because the nicotine has beneficial effects for my MS where actual cigs make it worse. All of a sudden I’m a hipster for using a doctor-recommended medication tool.
Calling vapers douches is ridiculous no matter how you tar it. People vape to give up smoking, and I thought in a community so against smoking in cars, vapes would be WELCOME
What’s wrong with vaping exactly?
The guys who vape
It’s usually the awful people who ruin it for everyone. I remember at work someone was vaping in our store. I told them to stop and they breathed smoke right in my face. Since I have asthma it messed me up pretty badly. My brother also tries to get me to vape with him even when I decline for similar reasons. Despite this, I don’t hate all vapers. Only the ones that give them a bad name