10 Types Of Car That Scream "I'm A Douchebag"

If you looked at the 'cars' subreddit on the weekend, you'd have seen an interesting thread titled 'What car screams I'm a douchebag?' Here are the findings...
10 Types Of Car That Scream

1. Honda Civic painted with primer + fart can

As suggested by Reddit user shhsfootballjock
As suggested by Reddit user shhsfootballjock

2. Any car with the 'I <3 Haters' stickers

As suggested by Reddit user dusty_chowders
As suggested by Reddit user dusty_chowders

3. Cars that are driven by "vapers"

As suggested by Reddit user warren31
As suggested by Reddit user warren31

4. New cars that are stanced

As suggested by Reddit user WitBeer
As suggested by Reddit user WitBeer

5. Diesel trucks that roll coal

As suggested by Reddit user Mmer03
As suggested by Reddit user Mmer03

6. Any vehicle with the "Move Over --->" sticker

As suggested by Reddit user captaindigbob
As suggested by Reddit user captaindigbob

7. Cars that are driven around with bricks of snow

As suggested by Reddit user BreakfastBurrito
As suggested by Reddit user BreakfastBurrito

8. "Any truck with truck nuts hanging under the bumper"

As suggested by Reddit user BigOldCar
As suggested by Reddit user BigOldCar

9. "Any Hummer except for the original civilian models"

As suggested by Reddit user Bittoman
As suggested by Reddit user Bittoman

10. Any minivan driven by a man forced to buy it by his wife

As suggested by Reddit user Audi02s4
As suggested by Reddit user Audi02s4

For hundreds more suggestion by Redditors, here’s the link to the original thread.


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