Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Mercedes Numbers?
Do you know your R199s from your R230s? Can you rattle off obscure Mercedes engine codes? Test your knowledge on our quiz!
Let us know your score in the comments! If you’ve managed to get most of them right, you’re doing pretty well…
10/10. Certified Benz geek 🤓 that’s what living with a W123 does to you.
10/10 here too (W201 did it to me), but surprisingly hard.
5, but I’ve never owned a Mercedes (yet)
Are these quizzes getting easier?
Classic car test?
5/10 considering i am not a MB fan that is good
i thought i would do better on a benz related one haha
5 out of 10. As a Mercedes fan, I’m disappointed in myself.
Got 5/10, but it was pretty difficult to be honest.
7/10. As a mercedes owner I feel ashamed…
5/10 and I’m not a big fan of Mercedes