Why do people think that this is OK? Save it for the track people, or atleast an abandoned parking lot or something.. Not in the middle of trafic
What’s annoying is this so called news program labelling us true car enthusiasts as hoons
ACA have always done this, i have watched previous shows about them labeling us as “Hoons”
I read the story…
That’s Australian news for you, haha!
I actually cant believe that this is in Australia! The only real hoons ive ever seen are either learner drivers flooring it round a roundabout and attempting to drift, or the occasional bogan in a Holden Commodore leaving a set of 11s in an empty street deep in the suburbs. This is just insane. Im preparing for hate, but I think that guys AE86 should be crushed, and him jailed for 5 years.
Nop, not in public roads.
K, he shouldnt do that in dense traffic. But thar wasnt dangerous at all, guy had great car control, i mean seriously, would you rather have a pro drifter slidering about or a stupid woman doing her make up while driving? In comparison to other things people do while driving, i would say that that drifter wasnt doing anything extremely dangerous.
Exactly what i was thinking, no one got hurt and the guy looked like he was in full control of the 86, and he dident really get close to anyone
Doesn’t matter how good he is, shouldn’t be doing it on public roads. Especially a busy one like that.
Mad props
I like drift but that is being a douchebag
Why do people think that this is OK? Save it for the track people, or atleast an abandoned parking lot or something.. Not in the middle of trafic
What’s annoying is this so called news program labelling us true car enthusiasts as hoons
ACA have always done this, i have watched previous shows about them labeling us as “Hoons”
I read the story…
That’s Australian news for you, haha!
I actually cant believe that this is in Australia! The only real hoons ive ever seen are either learner drivers flooring it round a roundabout and attempting to drift, or the occasional bogan in a Holden Commodore leaving a set of 11s in an empty street deep in the suburbs. This is just insane. Im preparing for hate, but I think that guys AE86 should be crushed, and him jailed for 5 years.
Nop, not in public roads.
K, he shouldnt do that in dense traffic. But thar wasnt dangerous at all, guy had great car control, i mean seriously, would you rather have a pro drifter slidering about or a stupid woman doing her make up while driving? In comparison to other things people do while driving, i would say that that drifter wasnt doing anything extremely dangerous.
Exactly what i was thinking, no one got hurt and the guy looked like he was in full control of the 86, and he dident really get close to anyone
Doesn’t matter how good he is, shouldn’t be doing it on public roads. Especially a busy one like that.