Nissan Skyline GTR as a Rally car? Did they ever compete on Group A Rally?

This is something that I’m curious about and I’m not from that era, did they ever competed against Subaru and Mitsubishi on Rally?

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I don’t think so, but I have seen an R32 GT-R used for recent rally events in NZ. Makes sense when it can rival the STI and EVO.

01/22/2016 - 01:18 |
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Glen Knight

They did compete in group A, but group A is not a rally series, it’s a road course series. If you mean group B, no, they did not compete there or in any other rally series to the best of my knowledge.

01/22/2016 - 01:41 |
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Group A was a rule set for homologating race cars. This included rally after the Group B era

01/22/2016 - 01:51 |
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