Can the same car both oversteer and under steer? Not simultaneously.

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Yes it can. Depends on how you drive it

05/21/2015 - 09:40 |
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It depends on tire load. All cars can both oversteer and understeer, depending on how they’re set up and how they’re driven.

05/21/2015 - 10:16 |
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It mostly depends on the car’s wheel geometry, you can not change to much about the car’s behaviour unless you change the geometry of the (rear) wheels. also when placing an antiroll bar on the rear wheels axle for example, you will invoke more oversteer, when placing it on the front wheels axle, it wil invoke more understeer.
thus, changing your car behaviour isnt that easy if u dont know about how all of this works.

05/21/2015 - 10:54 |
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It has much to do with weight transfer. A fwd car for example can understeer very hard if you stomp on the throttle in a corner, if you then quickly release the throttle it causes a huge weight transfer to the front, which can make the car oversteer. This is lift of oversteer, which can also happen in rwd cars. In rwd cars, you can sometimes dial in understeer by using the throttle to make the car neutral again, or even oversteer. Hope this helps a bit :)

05/21/2015 - 10:57 |
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It does. Thanks. :) another quick question. Anything to do with the chassis? Thanks.

05/21/2015 - 14:04 |
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Yes it is possible. 4wd cars have a tendency to understeer entering a corner and exiting with oversteer. That’s what happens when i’m not smooth enough on track with my car

05/21/2015 - 11:02 |
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Mahendra Prabhu

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

That’s what I felt. Thanks. :)

05/21/2015 - 13:07 |
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If the driver can, then the car can.

05/21/2015 - 11:03 |
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Fad Hill

quote form initial d : essentially in a 4-wheel drift the front wheels are understeering in the middle of a drift

05/21/2015 - 11:19 |
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You can oversteer and understeer at the same time. It’s called aquaplaning.

05/21/2015 - 13:50 |
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yes, some pro drivers do it with a fwd car by the method left foot braking

05/21/2015 - 16:03 |
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