Watch The Moment This Guy Was Given His Dream Corvette Z06 By His YouTuber Son

Vine and YouTube star Lance210 treated his dad to a pretty awesome 50th birthday present - a Chevrolet Corvette Z06
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sees R8 in background RACE THEM.

02/22/2016 - 13:02 |
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02/22/2016 - 14:02 |
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Apex Cutter

What car is it again?

02/22/2016 - 14:58 |
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Fake or not, buying for my dad his favorite car is also my dream. And it propably will stay unfullfiled

02/22/2016 - 15:44 |
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Oooh nooo!!! Is an auto…

02/22/2016 - 19:37 |
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He gets to buy his dad a corvette and I can only buy my dad socks…

Cool guy for doing that though!

02/22/2016 - 21:40 |
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Nick danca
02/23/2016 - 02:57 |
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I graduated highschool with this guy and was in a few of his vines, good to see he has a good taste in cars now that he’s made it

02/23/2016 - 05:57 |
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Guy has an R8. What’s the big deal?

02/23/2016 - 13:29 |
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Raise your kids right, get free dream car at the big 5-0. Taking notes..

02/23/2016 - 14:35 |
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Christian Moeller

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Don’t get kids and get it at 40 ;)

02/23/2016 - 16:35 |
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