Volvo: The Game Goes Live!

Earlier in the month I wrote a blog post about an upcoming video game by Volvo, dubbed Volvo: The Game . Today, May 27th, that game has been released.  Naturally I wanted in one of the first ones to download it and check it out.

Earlier in the month I wrote a blog post about an upcoming video game by Volvo, dubbed Volvo: The Game . Today, May 27th, that game has been released.  Naturally I wanted in one of the first ones to download it and check it out.

Fortunately, my computer's Nvidia Go 7400 graphics card is at least better than most integrated systems.  That enabled the game to be run pretty smoothly in the lower settings. On the highest my computer had a difficulty and the frame rate was slow. So be careful what computer you run it on.

The game play is impressive and has good graphics. I like it a lot and I think Volvo is onto something in producing this game. Cost of development is much less than a huge advertising campaign and I think it will help the brand reach out to a younger demographic. Who would turn down downloading a cool, pretty full-featured game for free?! That thought probably was behind Volvo's thinking.

You can race against a computer or other drivers on an online leaderboard. So what are you waiting for? You can go download the game at  I've been having issues with my right typing hand lately (hello Speech Recognition!) so I won't be racing for a while but no doubt I'll be seeing what kind of placement I can get. Driver tonycarthrottlecom. See you on the track!

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