Video: Cadillac "Competition" Advertisement

The whole marketing department at General Motors (and indeed the whole company) has gone through a lot of shakeups in a small period of time.

The whole marketing department at General Motors (and indeed the whole company) has gone through a lot of shakeups in a small period of time.

Marketing perhaps has been given the biggest leeway for immediate change after Joel Ewanick took over. Ewanick directed GM to drop Publicis after its work with Chevrolet and the "Excellence for All" campaign.

Cadillac has also gone through a shakeup as well, switching companies and dumping the short-lived (thankfully) "Mark of Leadership" tagline.

In its place? "The New Standard of the World." The advertisement below is the first advertisement to debut under the new campaign, and needless to say it is good - very good. Check it out below.

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