Terrifying CCTV Footage Shows A Car's Fall From A Multi-Storey Parking Garage
Holy mother of God, you might need to brace for this. What looks like a stunt carried out for TV or a new Tom Cruise movie has actually happened: a BMW 4 Series has fallen shockingly out of a multi-storey car park onto a passing SUV.
The deeply scary incident happened a couple of weeks ago in Austin, Texas, but only now has the footage been released. The driver of the BMW sustained serious but not life-threatening injuries, reports Statesman Media, after the car crashed through a barrier and nosedived back to ground level, luckily smashing into the floor with its chief crumple zone first, which may well have saved the driver’s life. We don’t know which floor it fell from, but the crash looks fierce.

It happened at about 8.30am, so there were plenty of other cars around, including an SUV that the 4 Series struck on its way down. This is the second time a car has smashed through the barriers at the Brazos Street car park in two years: a Toyota 4Runner ended up dangling off the top level last September. Amazingly, no one was hurt.
The parking garage’s owners have released a statement claiming that nothing like either of these accidents has happened in the prior 38 years, that the strength of the barriers had been checked and approved, and that the City of Austin had given its approval to the post-September repairs, too. As suggested on Jalopnik, maybe it’s time to swap the metal barriers for concrete walls.
Via: Statesman Media
Lucky it didn’t land on the SUV directly
Is it just me or is the roof already damaged badly even before it hits the ground?
WAIT! Is someone seriously blaming the barriers in this situation?
Cuz lets face it its NEVER a persons fault (sarcasm level 9000)
Another right foot pedal error, part of the right foot braking epidemic. But let’s make sure we blame the driver, especially if they are a women or old. Never blame the guys in charge of driver legislation and training who set the driver up to fail. They forced this driver to brake an automatic car with only the right foot. They did this knowing they had 0 Scientific Justification and that right foot braking is too complicated and difficult to mentally maintain with age, inefficient (poor reaction time) and dangerous (subject to right foot pedal error) compared to the simpler and safer (But girly!) left foot braking method. See DOT HS 811 597 and 812 058. NHTSA refuses to use the term “right foot pedal errors” but instead calls it “pedal misapplication” and always blames the drivers for not being experts. Score to date, 30,000-150,000 dead, millions injured, and billions in costs. The price male drivers, both in and out of government, are prepared to pay to maintain their systemic belief in a braking method based on the scientific foundation of, “That’s the way it’s always been taught”! This is not about which braking method is safer but rather why they refuse to scientifically compare the two methods and continue to produce misinformation about other proposed braking methods.
“Storey” ._.
Yep that’s the UK spelling :)
How do you drive off a parking garage!?
Phone up the insurance company “My car has been hit by a flying BMW.”
“How did this happen?”
“He was tailgating the barrier and fell out the car park.”
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Qian Li Guess what?