Soon You'll Be Able To Buy Coffee Before You Even Stop Your Car

Korean brand Hyundai is co-developing a system that will allow American drivers to pay for goods and services while driving.
The system, being built with specialist software company Xevo, will start with pre-payment options for fuel, parking and refreshments, presumably at the big coffee chains. As it develops you’ll be able to pay for hotel rooms, order takeaway food and make restaurant reservations online through the car.

Some premium cars with connected systems will already let you do some of this stuff, albeit usually by finding the business you want and calling its phone number so you can make the reservation or order that way.
Certain fuel companies are also in the early stages of allowing payment through an app, seemingly instead of going down the supermarket ‘Pay at Pump’ route.

Hyundai’s planned system goes further, though, with a ‘wallet’ system to store your payment information like an Internet browser can; either card details or PayPal info. Clearly there are going to have to be some major security protocols installed.
The idea sounds really convenient, in theory. On the other hand, Hyundai’s assertion that “offering easy-to-use payment options as part of navigation will simplify the driving experience and maximize time spent with eyes on the road” seems like complete nonsense.

Ordering Chinese food while driving is a distraction. Deciding whether to tap for a latte or a macchiato while attempting to negotiate a busy junction is a recipe for human error. Likewise, trying to weigh up the difference between an unfamiliar hotel’s deluxe double room and junior suite while at the wheel is just going to see people driving into stuff.
We’re interested to see where Hyundai goes with this, and whether the system makes it to Europe.
Source: Finextra
I want some coffee now.
Better get into your hyundai then!
Sweden intensifies
Now you can drive before you drink!
Don’t worry, eventually You can drink and not drive!
Blame Autonomous cars
Steal car, buy coffee, give back car
GTA in a nutshell.
Wife: Have you even remembered to make reservations at the Restaurant?
Husband: Oh, uhh yeah of course I did. proceeds to do it in the car, at that very moment
Wife: good.
Hyundai, saving marriages since 1967
How would this be legal when texting and driving isn’t? This system seems to be equally distracting as texting
It is legal as noine died yet, while ordering the coffe while driving in their car that has been equipped with feature like that…
The passenger could do it
Worse even.
Em I the only one who actuslly likes to spot a nice place on a side of a road to relax wait a bit for your coffe?
I also still think that all you should want in a car are electric windows/mirrors, AC and basic Radio. Driving is way more fun that way, also did you guys know that you can talk with your passengers while driving without using your phone? World is just ending, people are getting more dumb and more lazy every day… I’m happy that I’ve managed to get a nice 22 year old car as my dirst car which I’ll hopefully keep forever.
Why not just order a coffee
If you are a passenger of course
If you a driver tho, you shouldn’t be using this either
Hyundai driver prepays for gas on the way to gas station
Pump #3: $40 available please select fuel
Guy who just got out of his car at pump #3: hell yeah
Hyundai driver arrives at station
Wat? There must be a way that once the hyundai arrives than it puts the option thingy
Hyundai are a car maker?! I never knew!
Ah, but did you know that Alcantara is a brand?