This S2000 Driver Gives No Damns For The Law As He Pulls Donuts At A Busy Intersection
What’s the best way to tackle your average junction in a rear-wheel drive car? With donuts, of course, if you don’t mind breaking a law or two and terrifying other road users.
The driver of this lovely yellow Honda S2000 has clearly got time to spare and space to play as he approaches this intersection in Brooklyn, New York, where the camera car is waiting for its turn to move.

A guy on a scooter is his only obstacle if you can ignore all the fast-moving traffic within spitting distance, but once the tyres start spinning and the smoke starts flowing, poor moped guy rides for his life. Inside the camera car the driver puts his hand on the horn in protest at what is a pretty reckless piece of driving.
Credit to the driver, he does pull it off quite neatly, but we can’t help but recommend not trying this at home just in case there’s an accidental kerb/lamp post/car/scooter/cyclist/pedestrian interface.
Via Reddit
Hes been playing too much forza horizon
Engineering Explained
“Helloo everyone, today we’re gonna be talking about what you shouldn’t do on a public road…”
I Immidiatly thought about his S2000 too just as I saw the thumbnail
When your trying to get drift points
Forza Horizon intensifies
After this video ended, he was probably “Honda” run… Get it? No? Nvm…
He VTeced out, yo
At least he used his indicator when turning. Not like the savage BMW driver’s
Y downvote
That is completely irresponsible…find an empty car park
Jason pls stop! We’ve had enough donuts for science already!
But officer, it was the vtec!
Poor guy in the bike be like
Irresponsible. Should be fined.
You have to expect he will be once the authorities track him down…
Boring ….