Here's What It Looks Like When A Dragster Does A Burnout In Flaming Fuel
Drag racer Dave Nelson filmed himself performing an amazing burnout in a load of burning petrol
This video has to be up there with the best burnouts we’ve ever seen. Reckon you’ve watched a better one? Post it below…
Video via Autoblog
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Damn these clickbaits!
Not sure what happened there! Fixed…
Damn, I really enjoyed that 5 reasons why European Cars aren’t big sellers in America post, so much better and not totally dull in comparison to a flaming burnout.
I don’t really watch dragsters but MY MY do they look like Fiat Pandas!
Just me?
I don’t really like watching dragsters but thanks CT for enlightening me to the fact that they all appear to look like Fiat Pandas!
Matt Robinson something’s wrong with the link
Matt Robinson the link is messed up
Matt Robinson the link is messed up
Challenge Accepted
Since when did CarThrottle become YouTube?