Google's Autonomous Car Is So Damn Slow, It Got Pulled Over By The Cops
Since this seems to be all over the internets, I might as well post here as well.\/m7FD9pvRmi;— zandr \/a>\/blockquote>
Due to what the company calls ‘safety reasons’, all of Google’s self driving car prototypes are limited to to a top speed of 25mph. Unfortunately, this can be problematic for the real-world testing phase the vehicles are currently in, what with speed limits being - you know - higher than 25mph a lot of the time.
This was the issue faced by one particular prototype, which was travelling at 24mph on a 35mph road in the city of Mountain View. An officer of the local police department noticed a queue of no doubt frustrated motorists forming behind the car, so decided to pull it over.
According to a blog post from Mountain View Police, the officer responsible "made contact with the operators to learn more about how the car was choosing speeds along certain roadways and to educate the operators about impeding traffic." However, since the Google car is licensed to use any roads with a speed limit at 35mph or under, no further action was taken.
Google posted a response to the incident, jokingly stating that "driving too slowly? Bet humans don’t get pulled over for that too often." That’s true, but that might be due to the fact most humans understand that driving 10mph under the limit is utterly infuriating for whoever’s stuck behind…
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