Four Kids Broke Into A CarMax Lot And Caused $800k Of Crash Damage
Posted by Mark Herman, Harris County Constable Precinct 4 on Monday, January 7, 2019
Four youngsters have been arrested and charged after breaking into a CarMax site in Houston, Texas, stealing the keys to some of the best cars on the forecourt and crashing them into each other. We promise we’re not making this up.
The underage boys were caught by a police dog after fleeing the scene when officers arrived. By that time they had smashed numerous expensive cars into more than 20 others, according to one of the officers involved in the case.

It happened at the CarMax dealership just off the North Freeway in Houston’s North View. It was dark at the time, with all dealership staff having gone home for the night. An unconfirmed anecdote beneath the Harris County PD social media post suggests that one of the boys caught a nasty bite to his head while trying to escape the police dog.
Photos from the Monday aftermath make tough viewing. There’s a Corvette Z06 with front and end side panel damage, a Dodge Challenger Scat Pack minus its now-demolished front end, a Mustang that has been punted into something hard and a badly bruised-up 986-era Porsche Cayman.

The kids were immediately sent to Harris County Juvenile Detention Center, charged with first-degree felony criminal mischief. To British ears that makes it sound like the guilty party must be a naughty leprechaun, or something, but after this little night-time adventure we can be fairly sure there’s – at least – some very hefty community service due to these four.
I hope when they get older they go to a actual prison. They’re old enough to understand the consequences and take responsibility for their own actions. Dang this sucks.
That’s how mafia works
The amount of people who won’t understand that reference is huge
cant get it
Cars can be repaired, bad parenting cannot.
Fixing both requires whacking with a hammer
This makes me sick
wtf is wrong with them?!?
I guess that how the mafia works. 4 level 1 crooks caused havoc, then became lvl 69 Bosses, and were instantly downgraded to lvl 1 crooks once again
What is wrong with people these days
‘muricah, f*ck yeah!
If I were there crashing the cars I would have stolen one and yeeted out.
They should each have to pay $200,000, I don’t give a shit about their financial situation, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
looks like someone needs a belt
And a bite to the head by a good doggo in this case.
Trown by hulk