China Proves Its Own Weirdness With Horror Film Window Stickers

Of all the things to put in your window, why would you do this? We see teddy bears and cushions, the odd box of tissues in ancient Totyota Carinas and, sadly, plenty of pointless variations of ‘baby on board’, but this is just weird.
A Chinese firm has developed a whole series of rear window graphics to fit numerous car models, and headlining the set is just about every freaky dead girl who ever crawled out of a TV set, loft, swamp, cabin in the woods or haunted mansion. This is literally the stuff of nightmares.
The firm makes the same product with non-horror artwork, too, like a lone wolf for those American men who still wear a pony tail and record every Walker: Texas Ranger on their VCR.

The material is apparently highly reflective, the idea being that anyone driving around on main beam or with hideously badly-adjusted dips gets their comeuppance. We’re not entirely sure these things would be legal in the UK, and depending on the angle of the screen itself, surely there’s no guarantee it would work anyway.
We’re not going to ask what sort of psycho you have to be to actually want one of these things in your window, because we already know. Someone that you absolutely never, ever want your daughter/sister/girlfriend/mother/miscellaneous female friend to meet. Ever.
Well done, China, you’ve excelled yourself.
The only stickers I approve are those with brandnames related to cars and, last but not least, the CarThrottle sticker.
Why would you actually paste something like this on your car…
Only non car enthusiasts/fans of horror films would do this
There is sum ting wong with the chinese ho lee chit
I wanna be angry at this but I couldn’t help but laugh XD
This isn’t Mock the Week, have some class, make it less obvious. XD
Not sure if racist or racist humour.
ho lee f*k that is fo ni
Could this be the solution to tailgating?
What kind of article is this, just blaming on someone making stickers
A 4D version of ‘The Ring’ girl would be the best investment for all those high beam tailgaters. 😂
Because no one will die.
Next Halloween can’t come fast enough!
actually this was made to scare them people high beaming from the back as normal beam would not reveal it if not wrong XD