6 Reasons Why Not Passing Your Driving Test First Time Isn’t The End Of The World

There’s a lot of pressure on young drivers to pass the daunting practical test first time. It’s something I didn’t achieve, in my case it was third time lucky. But there’s nothing wrong with not passing first time. It’s not the end of the world at all. In fact, it has its positives.
Many driving lessons may be completed, but that still doesn’t mean you are fully prepared for all situations. During the test itself, you could experience a range of new things not attempted before. While you might not pass that time round, you’ll know what to do in those situations in the future, whether it’s in the next test or on the road as a fully-fledged driver.
2. Pick up small details

While doing more than one driving test isn’t the plan for anyone, it can help young drivers pick up and perfect small details that will make them safer when they do hit the roads for the first time. Whether it’s functions of the car or road etiquette, there’s always room for improvement.
Driving lessons and driving tests are very different things, clearly. While racking up the hours with a driving instructor is important, it’s difficult to really know just what to expect from the test itself and is obviously impossible to predict how it will go. Having to do the test again isn’t necessarily a bad thing and will mean you are better prepared.
4. Fewer nerves

The dreaded driving test is a nerve-racking thing. I remember being so, so anxious before my first attempt, but actually it wasn’t as bad as I thought (despite not passing it). I went into my next tests with much more confidence and fewer nerves, I knew what to expect and had learned what not to do. I felt much calmer and that really helped with my driving.
5. Safer in the long run

Practice makes perfect, is the famous phrase. Not passing your driving test first time doesn’t make you a bad driver. Not at all. And anyone who thinks so is ridiculous. In fact, some feel like it helps them in the long run and makes them a better, safer driver, as they have gone through more situations, gained more experience with instructors and examiners and had more time to know what to do and not what to do.
6. You’ll be even more determined

Failing a driving test is disappointing, but it will mean you are even more fired up and determined to pass next time round. People can go into the tests with too much confidence but after getting knocked down, you get up stronger than ever. It certainly made me concentrate and focus even more than I was before. But don’t forget, once you do pass, there are a few things you need to ‘unlearn‘!
What other thoughts do you have on this? Let us know in the comments!
If your upset about your driving test just remember, Justin Bieber failed the written part then cried about it. True story, goggle it.
2009 F1 champion Jenson Button also failed his first test!
but justin beiber crashes all of his vehicles and treats them like crap
In his defence, the written part is pretty difficult in Canada. I was lucky to pass it without any problem, because I would say more than half my friends failed theirs on the first try. Harder than most tests a highschool student has been through, at least.
Juan Manuel Fangio never had a driver licence, 5 times F1 World Champion…
Aw, I did the same thing. Well, failed the test for my learner’s permit. By one question.
Another reason why its not that bad, at least in America: you don’t have to pay more than once which makes it a ton less stressful. And if you’re wondering how much drivers education is here, at least in my state and town, its $580. A tad excessive.
In the UK you have to pay each time which is super annoying.
Eh? I had to pay for both of my tests at 75/ea
In my country you most fail more than twice only the first 3 candidates are passing the other 15/20 mostly fail that is only so they can make money. When you fail if you want another chance you pay 3/4 of the price for the test next week ,some may pass if they have connections…i was lucky to get first in the car ;)
1 and 6 are missing
1 and 3 rather
I went to try to take Drivers ed this morning and they denied me the class because I was from a different county :(
911 driving school car (.)
When I messed up my first try i kept telling myself that Colin McRae also had tons of fails…
It helped
Remember Chris Harris didn’t pass the 1st time either ;)
He probably drifted around a corner and failed for that haha
It was the end of the world for about 3 weeks before i got to retake it lol
I passed first time when I was 17 (+ 2 months and 2 weeks) old and honestly looking back that was way too soon, especially since for 2 weeks I was on holiday. I was so dumb on the roads when I passed…first time I went out alone and I did 100mph on a dual carriageway…I really do think there needs to be a 6-10 month learning period that people must go through before attempting their test and the 1 week intensive course needs to be out ruled! I had a friend who did the 1 week course and passed…but she crashed within 2 weeks in quite a serious accident where she went too fast around a corner and ended up upside down in a ditch :/ she was alright but I think she didn’t drive for 3 months after it because it was so traumatic
in india we have a minimum of one month Learner’s period after you turn 18 before getting our permanent license. for that one month we must have a red ‘L’ in front and back of the vehicle and we can’t drive alone, there has to be someone with a permanent license with us at all time