22 Clips Of Single Seater Race Cars Getting Some Serious Air
Single seater racing is often spectacular and exciting but the drama levels go up several notches when drivers find none of their four wheels touching the tarmac

1. Surprise bump

3. Webber heads for the sky

5. Jump pass

7. Alonso's famous flip

9. Too close for comfort

13. Nurburgring jump

15. Awkward contact

17. Maldonado approved

19. Classic pass

21. Launched in Australia

What other examples can you think of? Share your suggestions in the comments.
Some feel like moon gravity mode on Gta
that cheat in Vice City when car goes fast, it fly away
someone had to post this
I have learnt:
1 cars are incredibly safe.
2 someone needs to cover those bloody wheels!
For aerodynamics, crash prevention and perhaps safety from flying suspension debris. Can someone explain why they aren’t covered?
When your team mate nominates you for flying lessons
I also remembered this accident by Kubica, from when i had seen it on tv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP1_POQPJVw
It really shows how safe these cars can be, with him just twisting his ankle on such a crash.
Im gonna say lower formula has the most entartaining crashes
Out of all these clips, I have yet to see Snoop Dogg.
haha anybody else noticed the guy from the second gif at 1:15 :D