11 Examples Of Douchebag Drivers Getting Owned

We all love to see arrogant and aggressive drivers get a healthy dose of karma, so we've rounded up the most satisfying clips of douchebags getting owned out on the road
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7. Park like a fool, get trolled

11 Examples Of Douchebag Drivers Getting Owned
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The driver of the camera car in the two videos above had this encounter with a van that was driving aggressively. After overtaking dangerously, the van driver then decided to taunt the dashcam owner, who promptly called the company to complain. When the receptionist was rude, he decided to get some of the most glorious petty revenge ever witnessed.

He noticed that the web address on the side of the van pointed to the wrong site, so he bought the URL and uploaded videos of the incident, as well as detailed descriptions of how he was treated by staff members. Now, whenever anyone needing roof work sees the van and heads to the company’s website, they know to look elsewhere!


Freddie Skeates

What about Ronnie Pickering? He didn’t get physically owned, but I think he owned himself by mentioning his name repeatedly on camera getting himself steeped in meme history

04/25/2016 - 14:50 |
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#6 - Just a regular Audi driver tailgating.

04/25/2016 - 14:53 |
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This post is a nice ray of sunshine on my test filled day.

04/25/2016 - 14:55 |
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“Hahahaha, that’s whatchu get, oooonnn video buddy!” - Made me laugh more than the crash itself. 😂

04/25/2016 - 14:59 |
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Delightful Citizen (Classic Truck Squad)

I could never live in the UK. The accents make the arguments sound too cheery, which would lead to me laughing, which would lead to me getting beat up a lot. “Wanker” kills me every time XD

04/25/2016 - 15:01 |
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I totally agree, LOL

04/26/2016 - 00:32 |
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i think you have never visited INDIA :P if you have visited then you understand roads are safe in UK

04/25/2016 - 15:06 |
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Anton 3

How I deal with tailgaters: Drop a gear or two and disappear in the horizon.

04/25/2016 - 15:13 |
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In reply to by Anton 3

Getting a speedticket because some is tailgating me?
No thanks.

04/25/2016 - 15:27 |
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Ofitus 21

Moral of the story: make sure you have properly written the URL of your website on your van

04/25/2016 - 15:15 |
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Want attention? Be an a**hole

04/25/2016 - 15:24 |
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Enjoying third video
Scrolls down to see how many videos are there
“Damn, I don’t have time to this.”
Saves bookmark

04/25/2016 - 15:38 |
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