The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

Star Wars references, terrible subtitles, and finally an answer to what happened when the chicken crossed the road - this week's comments are as brilliant and bizarre as ever!
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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

View the original article here.

4. Germany vs. China - only one winner!

The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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5. Right in the feels

The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

Check out the seven most memorable moments from Top Gear’s Patagonia special here.

6. Right in the fails

The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

Check out the original article here.

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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8. Petrolheads react

The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week
The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week
The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week
The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

See the 12 hilarious ways petrolheads react in these situations here.

9. There was no indication something was wrong

The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

Check out the full incredible story here.

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

Check out the original post here.

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