The situation. Sometimes is he, sometimes is she. Also, in Spanish is a little more complicate because “car” is male. El coche= The car and the word “el” is used as male article. #justSpanishThings
could the country of origin also play a role? German = Male, Italian = Female?
In English it’s typical to call a machine “she” if it’s special to you
Which car do you drive?
It depends … Some cars are called “she” because they are more feminine or perhaps more delicate, while “he” cars are more muscular, more masculine, less sophisticated in a way. You wouldn’t call a Dodge Ram “she”, and I don’t suppose you’d call a Mini “he” … But some cars just don’t fall in either of those, so it’s mostly a feeling thing.
What do you think sits on the opposites? Which cars are for you purely masculine or feminine?
Well my car is a he because he is a green and tan outback and is rugged and outdoorsy. His name is chuck.
Do you go off-roading with Chuck? :D
I call my car old chap, or any other elderly masculine name.
All has to do with how sexy DAT ass is.
Hi, your name makes me think you’re Belgian or Dutch
Have you heard we’re having a CT meet soon?
Ik ben west-vlaming, waar zal die CT-meet plaatsvinden? Hopelijk niet binnenkort, want ik zit nu midden in de examens :s
I dont know.. a Corvette is a she. I dont know why. Its propably different in other languages
I think it depends on the bond you have with the car. If you have a stronger bond with your car you start to care more about it and call it “she”.
The headlights do it for me. I think of headlights as the Eyes of a Car so what they look like actually is quite important I think.
The situation. Sometimes is he, sometimes is she. Also, in Spanish is a little more complicate because “car” is male. El coche= The car and the word “el” is used as male article. #justSpanishThings
could the country of origin also play a role? German = Male, Italian = Female?
In English it’s typical to call a machine “she” if it’s special to you
Which car do you drive?
It depends … Some cars are called “she” because they are more feminine or perhaps more delicate, while “he” cars are more muscular, more masculine, less sophisticated in a way.
You wouldn’t call a Dodge Ram “she”, and I don’t suppose you’d call a Mini “he” …
But some cars just don’t fall in either of those, so it’s mostly a feeling thing.
What do you think sits on the opposites? Which cars are for you purely masculine or feminine?
Well my car is a he because he is a green and tan outback and is rugged and outdoorsy. His name is chuck.
Do you go off-roading with Chuck? :D
I call my car old chap, or any other elderly masculine name.
All has to do with how sexy DAT ass is.
Hi, your name makes me think you’re Belgian or Dutch
Have you heard we’re having a CT meet soon?
Ik ben west-vlaming, waar zal die CT-meet plaatsvinden? Hopelijk niet binnenkort, want ik zit nu midden in de examens :s
I dont know.. a Corvette is a she. I dont know why. Its propably different in other languages
I think it depends on the bond you have with the car. If you have a stronger bond with your car you start to care more about it and call it “she”.
The headlights do it for me. I think of headlights as the Eyes of a Car so what they look like actually is quite important I think.