Why I Prefer Formula E over Formula 1 in Forza Motorsport 6
The cars may look similar, the goal might be the same, but these two differ a lot. Here is why I like the one with the slower cars in it.
The carts are a lot easier to drive
As I said, these two racing series do differ a lot by all means. Formula E has electric cars which are slower than the petrol fed race car. Now, you may think that I’m crazy, again, but not. The Formula 1 cars are really hard to handle because they are so powerful and light at the same time. The Formula E cars are weak enough not to spin out in every corner. Also, they are much easier to handle, so a starter can jump into the action without very big struggles. The Formula 1 car will always spin it’s wheels!
The racing will be closer
The Formula 1 cars are prone to spinning their wheels, so you need to be really careful with the throttle, which is a skill that needs a lot of practicing. That means the professionals will stand out from the crowd, which is not fun. In Formula E, it won’t be that way, because you don’t have to be careful with the throttle., resulting in more intense races.
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