I’m sorry, The Grand Tour on the right are all casual/luxury sports cars, possible a Mustang, McLaren and Impreza. On the left, they are all gold repainted diamond coated Pontiac Azteks. They only look good cause they are rich. They really aren’t that good. Besides, I can recognize Ivanka Trump and Kim Kardashian in there, I hate them both, not to mention they get money for free cause of their father or their popularity…
1, 2, and 3.
I win.
La ferrari, Porsche 918 and Maclaren
Mustang, Challenger, camaro
I’m sorry, The Grand Tour on the right are all casual/luxury sports cars, possible a Mustang, McLaren and Impreza.
On the left, they are all gold repainted diamond coated Pontiac Azteks. They only look good cause they are rich. They really aren’t that good. Besides, I can recognize Ivanka Trump and Kim Kardashian in there, I hate them both, not to mention they get money for free cause of their father or their popularity…
Stubaru, Nobody, Flux