2016 Ferrari chicken

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Adam Hamilton

OMG!!! This has to be my favourite car!!!

11/23/2016 - 15:19 |
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Adam Hamilton

How long does it take to do 0-60 eggs?

11/23/2016 - 15:19 |
2 | 1

Fuel it up with 100g of unleaded seed and about 6.66 seconds . Walah faster than an abarth 😜

11/23/2016 - 15:25 |
3 | 1

Dream car! &#x1F60D;&#x1F60D; does it take unleaded or premium seeds? 0-60 eggs? I bet it sounds good! <bawk>

11/24/2016 - 18:18 |
0 | 0
Neco Arc

M8 that a Koenigs-egg!

12/12/2016 - 22:34 |
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