My Favourite Everyday Driving Shoes (For Men AND Women)

Aside from being a grouchy petrolhead who thinks the world is going to pot at breakneck speed, I am a bit of a sneakerhead, too. It’s no surprise, then, that my shoes MUST be good for driving in. However, I’m not one to own a pair of flame-retardant, racing-grade boots just for taking a drive to the store. My shoes need to make as much sense in the real world as they do behind the wheel; and I suspect that, if you’re reading this, that you probably agree with my shoe-buying philosophy. However, as we all know, there are different shoes for different personalities. The picks I have for you here are just a small sample of some of the best and most versatile “everyday driving” shoes, as I like to call them.

Disclaimer: I do not know a damn thing about women’s fashion, so I invite all you ladies to tell me how badly I screwed this list up…

Nike Free family (Men’s and Women’s)

I owned a pair of Nike Free running shoes many moons ago, and they were some of the lightest and most comfortable shoes I’ve ever worn. The ultra-flexible soft soles made them surprisingly good driving shoes, too. They aren’t the most supportive shoe in the world, and the sole may be a bit clunky for some, but if you’re into running shoes, I’d definitely recommend a pair whether you’re a lady or a gentleman.

Maserati (Men’s and Women’s)

Generally speaking, automotive-branded shoes fall into one of two categories: either they are OK-looking, or they flaunt the automaker’s colour schemes and logos in a terribly cringeworthy fashion (I’m looking at you, Ferrari Pumas). Maserati would be the exception that proves the rule. Even with the biggest Trident possible on the vamp (side of the shoe), or the wackiest colour schemes that they make, Maserati shoes don’t exactly scream cheap brand exploitation. In fact, Maserati shoes are very classy for all genders. The only knock against them? They’re pricey (can exceed $300 USD plus shipping). Still, they get Alex Andrei’s seal of approval.

Converse Chuck Taylors (unisex)

They’re Chuck Taylors. You know what they are, and you either love ‘em or hate ‘em. If they’re good enough for Paul Walker and his many Fast and Furious gear changes, then they’ll be good enough for you.

Sperry Top-Siders (Men’s and Women’s)

Sperrys were originally touted as deck shoes, but trust me, they’re pretty neat for driving. They’ve got a nice, thin sole that grips pedals nicely, and are generally versatile and comfortable enough to wear every day. Guys, just don’t wear them with a salmon polo, white shorts, and RayBans if you’re planning on going into the ‘hood. Also, don’t buy them unless you’ve earned your knot-tying badge in Boy Scouts or Girl Guides, because those leather laces are a pain to keep laced up.

Ugg Driving Mocs (Women's)

Ladies, these ones are just for you. Although there are certainly lots of driving mocs available for guys, these UGGs are quite popular amongst women who don’t want to sacrifice style for driving performance.

Cole Haan Lunargrand Pennyloafers (Men's)

Combining Nike’s ultra-modern Lunargrand cushioning material with Cole Haan’s timeless design make these some of the best penny loafers out there. I’m not a big penny loafer fan myself, but these shoes are awesome, if a bit pricey. And, if you think penny loafers wouldn’t be very good in the footwell, you need to watch this video….

Sparco ESSE (Men's)

These are the real deal. A step below a full-blown racing boot, Sparco knows how to make driving gear. Although excellent for driving, the thin soles do make these shoes a little uncomfortable, and they might look a little too try-hard in some circles, but there’s nothing obscene about wearing a pair of these day in, day out.

Vans Old Skool Gumsole (unisex)

They’re not the best driving shoes, nor the most comfortable, and probably not even the most stylish shoes out there. But Vans are pretty good in all three departments, and fairly inexpensive too. The Old Skool gumsoles are my favourite all-purpose shoes because they’re grippy, they have been around forever and have never gone out of style, and they’re durable. They’re also super versatile with a variety of outfits, and practical in many different situations. They’re the Jeep Wrangler of the shoe world. A pair of proper driving shoes might be a little better to drive with, but I certainly can’t justify the price difference.

This content was originally posted by a Car Throttle user on our Community platform and was not commissioned or created by the CT editorial team.

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Andrés Cely Herazo

I… Need … Those … Sparcos!!!

05/24/2016 - 00:18 |
22 | 0

Those are awesome shoes…they have leather ones too :D

05/24/2016 - 00:19 |
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Michael M

I really want those sparco shoes, even if they hurt a lot at least they look cool

05/24/2016 - 00:21 |
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They’re like $85 Canadian plus shipping, which actually isn’t all that bad for a pair.

05/24/2016 - 00:22 |
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Bam. Nike Air Huaraches made with a fleece-like material. Comfortable, stylish, and my everyday shoes. They stay on your foot well when slamming the gas pedal into the floor!

05/24/2016 - 00:30 |
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Kyle Ashdown

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Actually never seen those before…those look dope

05/24/2016 - 00:31 |
6 | 0

Enter your comment…

05/24/2016 - 00:35 |
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Sean 6

I’m surprised Ferrari/Puma shoes are not on the list. They have quite a variety of styles.

05/24/2016 - 00:36 |
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Kyle Ashdown

In reply to by Sean 6

I have a pair of those, as good as they are, I find the Ferrari branding a little tacky.

05/24/2016 - 00:42 |
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Thug Bird

Alex Andrei would certainly love those Maserati shoes…

tweet tweet

05/24/2016 - 00:38 |
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He does hahaha

05/24/2016 - 00:44 |
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I’m in love 😍

05/24/2016 - 08:11 |
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I always had Nike flex or roshes (not sure how to spell it) for driving and then got a pair of British knights and there sh*t for driving😂

05/24/2016 - 00:41 |
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Kyle Ashdown

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Almost all Nikes are good driving shoes. Except Shox. Those are the worst…

05/24/2016 - 00:43 |
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At least I didn’t see any Crocs on this

05/24/2016 - 00:41 |
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Kyle Ashdown

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Crocs are godawful for driving lol

05/24/2016 - 00:44 |
10 | 0

I’m surprised there hasn’t been atleast 20 “WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOOOOSE” comments already.

05/24/2016 - 00:47 |
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Kyle Ashdown

In reply to by gf8lol

Same lol

05/24/2016 - 00:47 |
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I wear Rockport shoes similar to the Ugg ones everyday and they are OK for driving (but I’m no fashionista when it comes to shoes, I’m more a handbag girl). But if I’m going to drive something special I have some Ferrari Puma shoes :)

05/24/2016 - 01:04 |
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Kyle Ashdown

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I used to have a pair of Ferrari Pumas, but they were white so they never stayed clean! And I have some Rockport dress shoes that work surprisingly well too hahaha

05/24/2016 - 01:08 |
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