Why Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs Perfectly Sum Up Running A Project Car
Project cars are one of the most awesome things a petrolhead can spend their time and money on. They can also be the most frustrating money pits imaginable. You’ll run through a wide range of emotions, from massive highs to heartbreaking lows, that can all be perfectly summed up by Walt Disney’s classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It might sound like a giant leap, but let me explain…
Doc is known for getting flustered and easily flummoxed. At the start of your project, it’ll seem like there are an infinite number of jobs to do, and knowing where to start can leave you perplexed.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, things just don’t work. You’ve spent hours welding, rewiring and generally bossing this whole mechanic thing. And yet the car still won’t start.
It’s enough to make even the most optimistic car guy stamp their feet, fold their arms, and sulk in the corner.
The funny thing about something not working properly is that it’ll infuriate you to the point that sleep becomes a side project. Double, triple and quadruple checking your work to find that one elusive problem part will keep you up into the early hours. You’ll be knackered at work the next day, but it’s worth it.
Halfway through an all-nighter, it’s easy to start making silly mistakes. After spending a ridiculously long time looking for that specific spanner you swear you had a moment ago, you finally retrace your steps and find it in the kitchen. Must’ve brought it with you when you went to grab a cheeky beer. Dopey.
Yes, it’s 4am, but she’s alive! When your mates ask why you’ve got bags under your eyes and your hair’s a mess, you can smile and answer with the only words that matter: Because race car.
With the engine up and running, she’s not sounding too healthy. You diagnose the problem as a misfire - if you use your imagination, it’s almost like the engine’s sneezing…
Finally, you’ve worked long and hard and spent loads of cash, but your project’s ready to hit the road. As you pull into the meet, you can see people checking out your ride, and after someone tells you it’s looking good, you get a little bit bashful.
Snow White
Unfortunately if there’s one thing this world will always be full of, it’s haters. Snow White was sent away because the Queen was jealous of her bang tidy looks. So is true of your car, as jealous fingers type up evil comments on your favourite forum.
Not that you care, though. Project cars are never really finished, so you keep making it better and better, knowing proper petrolheads will always give you respect.
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