This Is What Aston Martin's New V12 Looks Like Before It's Put Together

Aston Martin has released an image showing every single part that makes up its 5.2-litre twin-turbo engine
This Is What Aston Martin's New V12 Looks Like Before It's Put Together

Want to see something weirdly satisfying? Get a load of this image from Aston Martin.

As you’ve probably gathered from the text at the bottom of the picture, it depicts the company’s new 5.2-litre twin-turbo V12, albeit in disassembled form. It currently powers the DB11, and will replace various new models appearing over the next few years.

The downsized 12-banger - which sounds almost as good as AM’s soon to be decommissioned N/A 12-pot - is made of 1667 bits, and takes 20 hours to assemble by hand in an engine plant in Cologne, Germany.


that Aston guy (miata squad) (aston squad)

James may intensifies

01/17/2017 - 18:43 |
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Now rebuild it without the Turbos to see what happens

01/17/2017 - 19:01 |
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Where’s the twin turbskies

01/17/2017 - 19:30 |
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Many bolts are missing

01/17/2017 - 19:31 |
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Wesly Beausoleil

2 weeks later

01/17/2017 - 22:05 |
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Love this show!

01/17/2017 - 22:44 |
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“Aston Martin Vanquish! Ikea edition!

01/17/2017 - 22:07 |
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Luke Woessner (G17)

Lego set waiting to happen…

01/18/2017 - 00:02 |
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So if you order this as a crate engine,will it come with IKEA instructions too?

01/23/2017 - 13:05 |
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