Watch A Crazy Lady Impersonating A Police Officer Try To Ram This Car Off The Road

The fear in these girls' voices makes you realise just how terrifying this situation is, as a woman in a truck tries to ram them off the road until they find a real police officer
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These videos tell the story of Delanie Strykul and her friend, who were the victims of a bizarre and terrifying road rage incident in Auburn, California. While driving their Mazda on Interstate 80, the pair were repeatedly cut off by a woman who eventually got them to stop, claiming she was a police officer while flashing an ID badge. Strykul called police while the woman banged on the window, before making a break for freedom.

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Another video uploaded picks the story up a little further down the road, as the woman repeatedly attempts to block the girls off, and at one point even rams their car. Police guided the pair to a waiting officer, who arrested their pursuer, who was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, reckless driving and resisting arrest.

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