Watch A Canadian Jump His Car Straight Through A Massive RV

Top Gear's caravan killing ways have made it to the other side of the world
Canadian caravan smashing jump The leap of faith

Picture the scene: you're at a disused railway and you're the lucky owner of one (massive) recreation vehicle (RV) and a shitbox saloon. What do you do?

If you're Canadian (and a little bit crazy), the answer is clear: jump said shitbox over the railway line and hammer it through the side of the RV. Simples.

Canadian caravan smashing leap Filmed from various angles just like the pros!


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Hit play below and watch the hilarious scene unfold. Worthy of Clarkson's guide to destroying cars? We'd say so!

Canadian caravan smashing damage They won't be able to see the next caravan they hit

Here's the clip from various angles - and even in slow-mo - of the event that caused these guys to crack into hysterics.


RV meme

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