That Was A Koenigsegg...

Before high speed crash...
The crash happened in Mexico on the national highway in Nuevo Laredo while the car was its way to Monterrey.
Witnesses said it was speeding up the central reservation when it crashed, and performed several somersaults before coming to a stop.
Two men are in hospital with injuries. My Spanish isn’t so good but I’m going to guess they are pretty serious. Looking at that, it’s incredible that they survived.

... after high speed crash.
Source: Mexican News Site Vanguardia
Matt Robinson
It’s sad to see such a beutiful car end up like that
The car is replaceable. The people involved aren’t. Hope they make it
Don’t try this at home kids!
Like I’d have a fkin Koenigseggggggeggggg to try…
Critical word in that sentence: “Was.” It is no more. It has ceased to be.
It’s a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace!
Still 10 t
Someone please save the engine!
Car guys be like:
visits him in hospital
Car guy: I just came to see you
Crash survivor: oh thanks
Car guy: to ask how much for wheels, they would look sick on my new ride
“yo got dat ‘99 civic with koeniggsegg rims, they add like 50hp each”
Now it’s a koenigs”break” ahahaa…………….. (kill me)
Another photo of the accident
I see what you did there.
That’s a cracking joke.
They survived the crash eggainst all odds!
That Koenigsegg looks poached to me.
You mean the eggcident