The Tesla Model S Makes A Pretty Damn Good Boat, In Case You Were Wondering
Elon Musk has praised the apparent 'swimming' ability of the Model S, after one was filmed blasting straight past a bunch of stranded cars in a flooded tunnel in Kazakhstan
What’s most amusing about this is Elon Musk himself bought one of the submersible Lotus Esprit props from James Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me, and talked about installing a Tesla EV drivetrain. Hopefully this video will inspire him to make the Lotus/Tesla hybrid a reality…
We *def* don't recommended this, but Model S floats well enough to turn it into a boat for short periods of time. Thrust via wheel rotation.;— elonmusk
Oh, and it should go without saying that if you see a load of stranded cars in a flooded tunnel, don’t try and drive through the damn thing, even if you’re in an EV and don’t have to worry about things like air intakes and exhaust pipes!
I would be worried about electrocution! Haha
That was my thought!
You’d have a better chance of being electrocuted in a normal car considering the battery terminals are exposed in the engine bay compared to the Tesla’s batteries being sealed within the car.
Reminds me of that TG episode where they make their own amphibious cars
Or that TG episode when Jeremy drove a Rolls Royce into a swiming pool!
Don’t try swimming with a tesla
What a Ludicrous thing to do.
Great, now tesla should make a model XL. Then, it would make an excellent yacht.
In six hours, there will be 168 points in this post.
Well don’t you look like quite the imbecile.
Was it 60ft. 75ft or 90 ft version of the yacht?
I like how the driver slaloms left and right in the end, like a dog shaking after getting wet
Because it’s too heavy to sink
Haha I mean float!
The future of electric cars looks bright and cheerful now :D
electricity+water, mmmm… not a very good combo!